
Fishbowl Friday

Our team spends the week reading everything on the internet related to marketing and highlights the best news you need to know about in our weekly email called Fishbowl Friday. Subscribe today and get all the best marketing news sent straight to your inbox in a fun, 5-minute read.

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July 26, 2024 This Week's Top Marketing News Video Content Marketing Strategy: Balancing Quality and Quantity Having the right videos for each stage of your buyer's journey can mean the difference between success and just plain meh leads. Some marketers use a method like ā€œQvQ Balanceā€ to produce the right content to reach their audience as they move through the funnel. #1 Awareness - 15-30 seconds: You want to create a large volume of short, engaging video content to capture attention and...

July 19, 2024 This Week's Top Marketing News How To Reboot Your Old Content (and Create Future Treasures) Most content marketing strategies begin with an endless stream of content topic ideas. You masterfully create world-shifting content about all your customersā€™ biggest problems, thought-provoking opinion pieces, and insights into your brand story and company culture. The problem is that this stream of ideas eventually slows to a measly drip. What do you do then? Everything evolves. Your...

July 12, 2024 This Week's Top Marketing News A Simple Guide To AI Content Marketing We believe that you should always work smarter, not harder. However many businesses are only scratching the surface of what using AI in content marketing can do for them. Feeding AI with generic prompts will generate generic responses, making more work for you in the long run. Just like a fine, handcrafted knife, AI is a tool that becomes incredibly useful once you have a little instruction on how to use it....

July 5, 2024 This Week's Top Marketing News Happy Independence Day from Neon Goldfish While the entire Neon Goldfish team is celebrating America's birthday with a long 4-day weekend, we didn't want to leave our loyal Fishbowl Friday readers hanging. We have a shortened version of our weekly marketing newsletter this week and will resume the normal format next Friday. How to Take the All-Important Second Step in Your Content Marketing Strategy Any business that has started a content marketing...

June 28, 2024 This Week's Top Marketing News 27 Copywriting Examples From Businesses With Incredible Copywriters The most successful marketing strategies all have one thing in common. Excellent copywriting. A great copywriter can instantly connect a consumer with a brand and generate the desire to experience the value their product or service can bring to their lives. Not everyone is gifted with the ability to create ā€œdrop everything and pay attentionā€ copy. In fact, most people struggle with...

June 21, 2024 This Week's Top Marketing News Email Myths Busted! Unsubscribes & More We're busting some common myths about unsubscribes, clicks, and giving you some best practices for re-engaging your audience. Unsubscribes Donā€™t Harm Your Sender Reputation: Contrary to popular belief, unsubscribes are not detrimental to your email deliverability. Clicks Donā€™t Influence Sender Reputation: Subscriber engagement, rather than clicks, is the primary factor that inbox providers use to determine...

June 14, 2024 This Week's Top Marketing News Google To Struggling Sites: Focus On Your Audience, Content Quality If your website is struggling to get organic traffic from Google Search ā€“ there are three core areas you should focus on, according to Googleā€™s Search Liaison Danny Sullivan: Continue creating high-quality content ā€“ do what you think is best for your readers. Diversify your traffic sources and promote your content across multiple channels. Build an engaged audience that comes to...

June 7, 2024 This Week's Top Marketing News Hacking the Human Mind With Applied Behavioral Marketing Your customer has the attention span of a goldfish, or less if your customer base also includes Gen Z. How can you cut through the noise? Behavioral Science. By understanding the fundamental drivers of human decision-making and behavior, brands can craft marketing campaigns that work with, rather than against, human nature. How to Apply Behavioral Science to Your Marketing Make Your Brand...

May 31, 2024 This Week's Top Marketing News An Anonymous Source Shared Thousands of Leaked Google Search API Documents with Me; Everyone in SEO Should See Them Talk about a data dump. Rand Fishkin, who co-founded Moz, received an anonymous leak of thousands of pages of API documents claiming to be direct from Google and including details of how it ranks certain sites. Fishkin did his due diligence and authenticated the documents with former and current Google employees who stated they had the...

May 24, 2024 This Week's Top Marketing News Has ChatGPT Launched Its Search Product In Stealth? ChatGPT4o was released this week and they quietly included a search feature that crawls websites. Instead of answering a query immediately, it now says ā€œSearching the webā€. - Thatā€™s Bing. Then it will provide the output/answer and include the websites crawled. Citations are provided as well. The search experience is easy to use and less intrusive than Googleā€™s AI experience that launched within the...