🎅 You Sit On A Throne of Marketing LIES!

August 30, 2024

This Week's Top Marketing News

20 Marketing LIES You Need to Stop Believing

Whether you are a marketer or not, have you ever believed at least one of these lies?

*raise hand*

It’s ok. Now is the time to realize that you don’t have to believe these lies because they are just that, lies. It’s not so much about being scared as facing the unknown. You’re probably not a marketer at heart - you know your business - but maybe not the best way to promote it.

The author offers up 20 marketing lies that many people believe and then shows why it’s a lie. The article is good motivation if you are stuck in a marketing rut.

Here are just a few:

  • "It's okay for them; they have money to splash on marketing. I don't."
  • "It's all vanity. It doesn't actually work for them.
  • "It will never work for me, because I’m not [fill in the blank]”
  • "I can’t go all in on one strategy because it might not work."

Fish Food:

Here's the truth: failure is a natural step in the journey. The only way to fail is by not trying at all.

Take the risk—every stumble brings you closer to growth and success. These marketing myths are just comforting excuses, keeping you stuck in your comfort zone. But let's face it—they're holding you back. It's time to let them go and start doing the uncomfortable.

21 Pieces of Content to Use at Different Stages of the Customer Journey

We know most types, like white papers, ebooks, and videos, but the infographic and supporting content offer messaging examples at each stage. Broken down into TOF, MOF, and BOM, it gives ideas on how to use these lead magnets to turn your website visitors into leads.

Australians Get 'Right to Disconnect' After Working Hours

Employees no longer “have” to answer their bosses' pesky questions after hours. Australia passed a law that gives workers the right to disconnect. In an era where everyone is connected, it’s important to remember that employees (and you) need a work-life balance. Rarely is there an emergency that can’t wait until the next business day. This is a reminder that it’s ok to power down on your “me” time, too.

How To Rise Above the Content Noise

Your goal is to capture attention and connect with your audience. You must adapt your message to fit different contexts and audience needs, much like media companies do with familiar stories. Take Spider-Man, for example—over the years, his story has been retold in various forms to resonate with different generations while maintaining the core message. Similarly, you should be flexible with your content, evolving it to stay relevant and engaging based on current trends and your audience's wants.

ChatGPT Prompts for New Website Content

ChatGPT can be helpful in identifying new topics for your content. However, this article dives deeper into the prompts and uses marketing software to challenge what ChatGPT identifies to help you find the sweet spot for your content.

Using the example of a new coaching website for young athletes, through a series of prompts (with examples - we love an article with examples!) the author asks ChatGPT to identify a few keywords around his topic.

The author then enters those keywords into marketing software like SemRush or Ahrefs and reviews their volumes and difficulty. The author also reviews the SERPs for the identified keywords to see who ranks for those terms and how hard it might be for a brand new website to catch up.

Followed by title ideas and FAQ ideas to answer on the website, the author creates prompts for content briefs and outlines his content.

Also included are prompts for:

  • Keyword clustering
  • Funnel journey steps
  • Technical SEO
  • Meta descriptions
  • Infographic ideas
  • Email workflow outlines
  • Identify Cities to target
  • And more

Fish Food:

We love examples, and the prompts and ChatGPT screenshots are super helpful. There is a ton of oversight proofing when you use an AI, but the examples can help you start creating better prompts to help you get better and more relevant content on your website.

5 Key Trends We’re Seeing in B2B Marketing

There is a definite shift towards new trends emerging in the B2B realm and starting with new buyers. Gen X and Y are now replacing some of the older purchasers, and you need to start producing content for this new, younger audience. Embrace automation to remove friction points in your buying cycle. Can you move your services to an “online purchase”? Marketers are now involved in account expansion. While sales used to handle all account management - marketing has moved into customer retention and upselling. Video continues to grow and can be used throughout the buyer journey. Lastly, marketing automation software. Using tools to streamline processes and communication.

Google Search May Now Use OG Title for Title Links

In “Let’s play a new game,” Google has decided to now use OG title as a possible title link in Google search results. So now there are nine different sources that Google can decide to use as a title for the content you already titled on your website. As always, Google says you can also use “best practices” to help Google understand what you want the title to be. Apparently, <title> isn’t enough. The current sources are:

  • Content in <title> elements
  • Main visual title shown on the page
  • Heading elements, such as <h1> elements
  • Content in og:title meta tags
  • Other content that’s large and prominent through the use of style treatments
  • Other text contained in the page
  • Anchor text on the page
  • Text within links that point to the page
  • WebSite structured data

The Telegram CEO’s Arrest Revives a Debate Over Who’s Responsible For On-Platform Crimes

Telegram's CEO, Pavel Durov, was detained by French authorities over the weekend, linked to an investigation into criminal activities on the messaging platform, including child exploitation, drug trafficking, and money laundering.

Telegram allows users to send messages with end-to-end encryption, making it virtually impossible for the company and law enforcement to monitor what's discussed on the platform.

Telegram is one of the world's largest messaging apps and a rival to Meta-owned WhatsApp. Its loose content moderation policies have made it an attractive platform for cybercriminals, terrorist organizations, and drug dealers.

Durov's arrest has sparked a debate on free speech and platform responsibility, with some viewing it as government overreach. This incident could set a precedent for how online platforms are regulated, particularly in the EU, and may influence the legal responsibilities of tech leaders worldwide.

Fish Food:

Well, Elon and Zuck are certainly watching this one closely. How far should platform creators censor their users, and who gets to decide what is good or bad? Lots to watch on this one.

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