Convert Customer Objections Into Your Best Ad Hooks

July 12, 2024

This Week's Top Marketing News

A Simple Guide To AI Content Marketing

We believe that you should always work smarter, not harder. However many businesses are only scratching the surface of what using AI in content marketing can do for them.

Feeding AI with generic prompts will generate generic responses, making more work for you in the long run.

Just like a fine, handcrafted knife, AI is a tool that becomes incredibly useful once you have a little instruction on how to use it.

How To Use AI In Your Content Marketing Strategy:

  • Generate Content Ideas: Use AI to generate relevant content ideas based on your ideal audience's pain points and interests.
  • Outline Creation: AI can create detailed outlines and identify key topics, FAQs, and subtopics for your content.
  • Research Audience Pain Points: Understand and address the specific pain points of your target audience for more relatable and helpful content.
  • SEO Optimization: Optimize your content for search engines by identifying semantic keywords, important subtopics, and relevant studies.
  • Content Editing: Catch grammar errors, rewrite sentences, and check for plagiarism.
  • Content Repurposing: Adapt your content for different platforms, such as social media, blogs, and videos.
  • Content Translation: Expand your audience by translating content into other languages using AI tools, although this may have additional costs with final editing by native speakers.

Fish Food:

The best part of this article is the focused prompts. You can see how to get better results feeding the AI more information. Use this to leverage AI and create content that resonates with your buyer persona and speaks to their pain points.

How To Convert Customer Objections Into Your Best Ad Hooks

Coming up with a killer ad hook might be easier than you think. Look no further than your customer objections. Start by listing the most common objections you hear from your customers and then create content around them. Use the objections as your ad hooks. Don't complicate it. Your customers are your best copywriters. The article notes the case studies of two companies (Oats Overnight and Jones Road Beauty) who used objections and reviews to make great ad copy.

How to Give an Election-Winning Speech [Podcast]

This podcast reviews the traits and similarities of great election speeches. They have more in common than you think. The more we hear something, the more we become comfortable with it. An OSU study was conducted by playing a loud noise for mice. At first, they do not like it at all. Over time, they get used to it and no longer react to the sound. Additionally, when a new sound is added to the repetitive mix, the mice become re-engaged and pay attention to the new sound. This is called dishabituation. This study has been applied to election-winning speeches and can also be applied to the marketing world.

Politicians are wordsmith masters knowing exactly what to say and how to get the voting population to pay attention and retain their messages. The best political speeches all have 3 common traits in common… repetition, alliteration, and rhyme. This podcast from Nudge explores these 3 traits and shares how you can apply these same tactics to your marketing.

The Top Ads So Far in 2024

Are you looking for some inspiration for your next campaign? EDO rounded up the best video ad campaigns so far in 2024. The article has the best in beverages, automotive, banking, cable, insurance, pharmacy, travel, and more. (Make sure to check out the TMobile musical ad, for some laughs). The list measured the impact of every national TV ad on the consumer engagement behaviors that are most predictive of future sales. These actions include brand searches, website visits, and app downloads.

How Much Does It Cost to Start a Blog in 2024?

If you’ve been on the fence about starting a blog - there is no better time to start. But how much will it cost? In real dollars?

HubSpot came through with a pretty accurate breakdown of the cost associated with starting a blog on your own. This is a no-fluff estimate. If you want to upgrade the base model with leather and a sunroof, it's going to cost a little more.

  • Web Host Estimated Cost: ~$0-25/month
  • Domain Registration Estimated Cost: ~$10-20/year
  • Website Theme/Design Estimated Cost: ~$0-500
  • Talent Estimated Cost: ~$0-150/hour/person

Fish Food:
While this is a good start, it does not account for things like social media and email promotion. It also doesn’t include the time cost to your business if you take it on yourself. But, if you are looking for help starting, maintaining, or boosting your blog production - Neon Goldfish can help.

Get More Out of Being Social [Infographic]

If you're looking for a better way to track and measure your social media marketing efforts, there are some extremely simple KPIs to consider. These often overlooked elements can help you assess the real impact of your posts in a more social and engaging way. Nurturing a social media marketing campaign is only worth your time if it’s working for you. Here’s how to be sure.

Is it Safe to Ditch SEO?

When your goal is to be found in search results, the focus shifts to creating content that grabs attention instead of building trust. This pressure often leads to producing material aimed at ranking for Google rather than content meant to lead, entertain, or inform. So can you do both? Yes…but focus on trust and authenticity first.

4 Inbox-Altering Changes To Watch For

As an email marketer, you're up against new challenges all of the time. Technology is giving mailbox providers more control over how emails are displayed and managed. Recent changes, like advancements in AI, growing concerns about user privacy, efforts to declutter inboxes, and environmental factors like climate change are reducing your authority over how your emails reach your audience.

What you can expect:

  1. Apple Intelligence will begin to sort messages for you.
  2. Emails will expire and be deleted to save Mother Earth
  3. Begin emailing your subscribers or lose them forever
  4. Automated data extraction showing email content in the inbox preview

With all of these changes, any outdated email practices could harm your campaigns. To navigate these shifts successfully, it's important to understand their implications and update your email marketing strategy.

Fish Food:
The rules of email marketing are clearly changing…and this is likely not the end of it. Between AI-driven inbox management, heightened privacy concerns, and efforts to streamline our inboxes, our control over how our messages are being seen is shrinking. Consider this your wake-up call to avoid getting lost in the noise.

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