How to Generate Leads With Content

June 21, 2024

This Week's Top Marketing News

Email Myths Busted! Unsubscribes & More

We're busting some common myths about unsubscribes, clicks, and giving you some best practices for re-engaging your audience.

  • Unsubscribes Don’t Harm Your Sender Reputation: Contrary to popular belief, unsubscribes are not detrimental to your email deliverability.
  • Clicks Don’t Influence Sender Reputation: Subscriber engagement, rather than clicks, is the primary factor that inbox providers use to determine email placement.
  • Campaign Differentiation: To tailor your strategies effectively, it's essential to understand the differences between re-engagement, win-back, and re-permission campaigns.

A one-click unsubscribe option might hurt your subscriptions. Making it too easy for people to unsubscribe can result in a higher churn rate. While offering an easy way for users to opt-out is important, asking them why they’re unsubscribing can provide valuable insights and potentially retain more subscribers.

Fish Food:
Make sure you check out the infographic listing the differences between inactive customers and subscribers. This can help you find the right messages and goals to re-engage each audience and boost your overall engagement and email list health.

When Is the Best Time to Post on Instagram in 2024?

Spoiler: it’s 12-3 or 6-9 p.m. in your timezone. However, that’s not a hard and fast rule. The post also includes the best times to post Reels by industry and weekday. Finding the best times to post can encourage more engagement and reach from your audience.

How Much Does ChatGPT Cost?

Did you know that ChatGPT has paid plans that offer more tools? If you want to up your AI game, check out some of the different plans you can subscribe to.

  • ChatGPT Free (Free) - It's what we all use. But are the paid versions of ChatGPT better?
  • ChatGPT Plus ($20/month) - 5x capacity of ChatGPT Free, early access to new tools, upgraded data analysis feature that can create interactive charts.
  • ChatGPT Team ($30/user/month) - Dedicated workspace, admin tools for team management, allows collaboration on builds and shared custom apps.
  • ChatGPT Enterprise ($60/user/month) - For larger teams, added privacy, enhanced data analysis, and enhanced performance.

Yes, You Should Bid On Your Own Branded Terms

Bidding on your own branded keywords on Google PPC? Never. But, the author makes the case that it might be a good idea to help drive organic - I know - growth too. The top of the SERPs is filled with your competitors, even on branded searches, and he makes the case that you should be up there too.

52 Free Content Writing Tools That Level Up My Workflow [for Writing, Editing & Content Creation]

If you’re not using some tools to help you with your content, this is the sign to look into tools that can help you save time.

The breakdown of each one can help you decide if it might be right for your business. You can also check out this shorter list that is specific to AI writing tools. Now this isn't free - but most have a free trial to see if it’s something that can help you.

HubSpot’s article breaks down the tools:

  • Free Tools for Content Research
  • Free Content Writing Tools
  • Free Tools for Content Editing
  • Free Design Tools
  • Free Productivity Tools
  • Content Editing Software

Fish Food:
If you are wearing all the hats, help yourself and check out some of these free and paid tools to help you plan your content. However - if it’s a little overwhelming - Neon Goldfish can help.

Is It OK for Platforms To Train Their AI With Your Content?

So, what do you do about platforms using your content to train their AI? Lean in. If you don’t want to play the game, stop using the toys. But, if you learn how to play the game, you can also win it. Marketing has always been a copycat business. You take someone’s idea and tweak it for your business and or make it better. The only thing AI does is just speed up that process.

LinkedIn Rolls Out New Newsletter Tools

LinkedIn is launching several new features for people who publish newsletters on its platform. The company says the number of LinkedIn members publishing newsletter articles has increased by 59% over the past year. Engagement on these creator-hosted newsletters is also up 47%. New features include new ways to view and comment, design your own cover images, more subscriber notifications, mention other profiles in articles, and preview links before publishing.

What You Need To Generate Leads With Content

You’ve got this great piece of content. Now what? How can you turn it into a lead magnet that has people coming back for more?

Time to work on your content marketing strategy.

The four major components of successful lead generation with content are:

  1. Understanding your available market audience and captive audience size.
  2. Consistently creating high-quality, hyper-relevant inbound content and the research behind it to reach existing and new audiences.
  3. Consistently maintaining a high volume of lead-generating content required for the audience and individual people within that audience.
  4. Consistently testing and improving your content.

What you need is a content team. A team that can help you by pushing out the best up-to-date content - and can optimize that content for your audience. So you have time to handle the leads coming into your business.

Fish Food:
This can be a DIY thing. You can research assets & judge your bandwidth for output, compile market & audience research, create & maintain your content, create lead magnets, and test & optimize your content - but juggling your content with your business can be hard. Having a content team like Neon Goldfish can help you get back to doing what you want to do - working on your business.

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