Google Code Document Leak Reveals Ranking Secrets

May 31, 2024

This Week's Top Marketing News

An Anonymous Source Shared Thousands of Leaked Google Search API Documents with Me; Everyone in SEO Should See Them

Talk about a data dump. Rand Fishkin, who co-founded Moz, received an anonymous leak of thousands of pages of API documents claiming to be direct from Google and including details of how it ranks certain sites.

Fishkin did his due diligence and authenticated the documents with former and current Google employees who stated they had the hallmarks of their API and code language.

Also, Google also admitted the documents in the leak were real.

The leak suggests that information that Google has said publicly DOESN’T count…well actually does. Things like like clicks, Chrome user data, and more. So, far there have not been many gigantic surprises... mostly things everyone suspected that are now confirmed.

One interesting piece uncovered was Google inflating (or deflating) the results of certain information during the COVID-19 pandemic and the US democratic election. Again, things we all suspected are now confirmed.

Fish Food:
This is still very much a developing story. Analyzing 2500+ pages takes time. At the rate Google evolves, we should understand everything just in time for it to not even matter anymore.

How to Create Clear Client Communication Systems
How to balance expectation with reality. At Neon Goldfish we like to tell people the fastest-loading website you can build is all black text on a white background. But, most business owners want something a little more engaging for their customers to interact with. It's all about balance and helping people understand what they simply do not know. This article gives tips for setting client expectations, educating your clients, and gathering feedback to make sure everyone is on the same page from the beginning of the project.

Google To Shut Down Business Profile Chat Feature
It’s hard out here for a business owner. Google has said they are shutting down the popular chat feature tool in Google Business Profile. You have until July 31st to download any chat history. The button is already being removed for some businesses. Another Google freebie bites the dust.

Standing Out in a Crowded Marketplace: Differentiation through Marketing

You’ve found the problem that the customers you want are facing. Now, how do you differentiate yourself from your competitors? Using the tips in this article you can stand out from the crowd. Focus on a Unique Value Proposition (UVP) and building a strong brand through content marketing and social media. Personalize your marketing to reach better-qualified customers, and make sure you gather feedback from your current customers on their experiences with your company.

Eat a Rock a Day, Put Glue on Your Pizza: how Google’s AI is Losing Touch with Reality
Google has introduced "AI Overviews," their SERPs experience to hundreds of millions of users. It uses generative AI to summarize search results, eliminating the need to click on links. While it may offer helpful summaries for common queries, it has produced some erroneous and potentially dangerous advice, such as suggesting people eat rocks or put glue on pizza to make the cheese stick better. Google is finding out that AI needs a lot of improvement figuring out what on the internet is true, and what is satirical and false.

What Is Content Delivery Network, and Why Does It Matter

Ready to nerd out a little with us? A CDN distributes the workload for internet content delivery across a global spread of servers. It is essentially a network of servers housing your data and spread across the globe to quickly deliver information to people based on their geographical location. Covered in the article are what is a Content Delivery Network (CDN), how a CDN works, the key benefits of using a Content Delivery Network, common use cases for Content Delivery Networks, how CDNs differ from DNS and traditional hosting, and choosing the right CDN.

5 Ways to Connect With Gen Z In Your Brand Messaging

Gen Z, born between 1996 - 2010, are ready to spend their dollars, but they want to do so with brands that lead with transparency. If you are looking to connect with the generation that approaches consumerism with intentionality, we’ve got the tips to help you make a connection.

  1. Lead with inclusivity.
  2. Prioritize personalization.
  3. Lean into honesty and authenticity.
  4. Live your brand values out loud.
  5. Connect with Gen Z through platforms that resonate with them.

Fish Food:
Think about integrating a chat into your website so customers can communicate with you more easily and offer customer feedback. Personalizing your marketing messages can help you build lasting relationships with your customers. We need to learn how to pivot to reach our buyers where they are. Implement things slowly so it doesn’t feel like a huge change all at once.

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