McDonald's is Testing Billboards That Smell Like Their French Fries 🍟

April 19, 2024

This Week's Top Marketing News

Topic Clusters for SEO: What They Are & How to Create Them

Google is placing a lot of emphasis on E-E-A-T which stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Content that meets these expectations ranks well in the Google algorithm. So, how do you E-E-A-T? By using Topic Clusters.

A topic cluster is a group of pages interrelated on your website that link to one another. At the center of the topic cluster is a pillar page which is a long-form, all-encompassing page that thoroughly covers a core topic. Around the pillar page are cluster pages that focus on related keywords to the core topic. Each of these pages links to one another and helps to show Google you have multiple pieces of related content on your website related to the core topic you wish to rank for.

This article from SEMRush dives into topic clusters, how to create them, and shares some helpful examples. Here are the basic steps for creating a topic cluster:

  1. Choose a Core Topic
  2. Perform Keyword Research
  3. Find Keywords for Your Pillar Page
  4. Find Keywords for Cluster Pages
  5. Create Quality Content
  6. Measure Your Cluster’s Performance

Fish Food: This is a simple framework that anyone can use to effectively build content about the core topics related to their industry. Topic clusters and pillar pages have been around for a little bit now. Few companies have adopted this strategy because it requires a strategic approach and a consistent content marketing plan. This is a must-read for anyone interested in improving their search engine rankings.

25 Examples Of About Us Pages For Inspiration

Venture over to your Google Analytics dashboard and take a look at the most visited pages of your website. If you’re like most, you’re going to see the About Us page on your website gets a lot more traffic than you might think. A website is often the first interaction a consumer will have with your brand so it’s natural for them to want to understand a little more about who you are and what you stand for. If your About Us page was an afterthought during your last website redesign and could use a little TLC, you’re in luck. These 25 examples of About Us pages will provide insight into how you can polish up your About Us page and tell your company story. Give the people what they want!

McDonald's unveils the world’s first-ever scented billboards

McDonald’s is testing billboards in the Netherlands that emit the scent of their crack-a-licious french fries. The billboards are equipped with the ability to produce an aroma that mimics the smell of their french fries to people physically near the billboard. The billboards use WiFi and sensors to detect when someone is nearby to trigger the scent. I’m sure the people at Starbucks are working at breakneck speed to develop a similar pumpkin spice latte billboard for the fall.

Looking to Help Instagram Influencers Create AI Bot Versions of Themselves

In “Why is this a thing” news, last September, Meta released chatbots that replied “in the style of” celebrities. Meta is now rolling out a similar experience for some Instagram influencers that allows them to create chatbots that look and sound like them to interact with their followers. The thought here is it will allow influencers with large audiences to engage with more fans through the use of a chatbot that resembles them. Forgive me, but this screams unauthentic and the very opposite of engagement. Now, will the real Slim Shady please stand up?

Reddit Post Ranks On Google In 5 Minutes - What's Going On?

A Reddit user posted that Google is giving too much preference to Reddit posts in its rankings which is causing issues with the site's performance due to all of the organic traffic. They then claimed they could get a Reddit post to rank on Google in minutes… and proved it.

They published a post on Reddit titled “Google SGE Review” and showed it in the #8 position for that same keyword search on Google in minutes. Within days, it moved up to the #2 spot.

Danny Sullivan from Google posted a response denying claims that Reddit is preferred over other platforms and pointed out several examples where Reddit was far from one of the top choices.

Fish Food: There’s a lot to unpack here. Let’s start with the fact that content is continuously published on Reddit making it a site that Google is going to index often. The keyword choice “Google SGE Review” seemed a bit pointed. I’d like to see this experiment run using a more common and competitive keyword. Finally, the move from the #8 spot to the #2 spot was likely helped by all the Reddit users reading the thread, searching “Google SGE Review” and then clicking the Reddit result. Try it yourself. Pick a relatively pointed keyword (to keep it fair) in your niche and publish a solid post on Reddit. See how long it takes to rank

15 Stunning HTML Websites in 2024 [+ How They Work]

Just when it seems the world is stuck in a website design rut, an article like this comes along and debunks the idea. If you have an appreciation for cool websites that ooze creativity, then this list of 15 stunning HTML websites is sure to please. Examples include crafty uses of illustrations, animations, and video. If these sites spark some inspiration of your own, HubSpot also includes pointers on how you can get started creating your own HTML websites. Psst… let us know when you get good and you can come join the Neon Goldfish team. We’re always looking for great website designers.

Tips for Writing Professional Emails with Examples

Email remains the preferred communication channel for professional communication. These tips can help you polish up your email messages before you hit that send button.

  1. Rectify Grammar Errors: Use online grammar checkers to ensure flawless writing.
  2. Write a Straightforward Subject: Craft concise and informative subject lines.
  3. Start with Proper Greetings: Tailor greetings to the recipient's familiarity and context.
  4. End with a Professional Signature: Include appropriate sign-offs and signatures.

Effective Content Creation Strategy: Mastering Quality at Scale

Content marketing has become an essential part of any effective marketing strategy. With so much content being created and published daily, just checking the box of creating content is not enough. You must create quality content to cut through the noise and have your content reach your target audience.

Creating quality content takes time and a lot of hard work. You cannot afford to waste time churning out substandard content that will fall flat. The following tips will help you create quality content at scale giving you the most impact from all the hard work you put in.

  • Understanding Your Audience: Each piece of content should be written for your target buyer persona and speak to the challenges they are trying to overcome or the goals they are trying to achieve.
  • Set Clear Objectives: Decide if the piece of content should drive brand awareness, generate leads, or boost conversions.
  • Have a Structured Content Calendar: Detail what needs to be produced, who will create the content, and when it will be created and published.
  • Build Your Content Team: Content creation at scale requires a lot of effort. This is typically done by more than one person. Create an in-house team for content creation or consider leveraging the help from an outside agency.

​Fish Food: Quality content creation at scale is like training to be competitive in a marathon. Not simply training enough to finish the 26.2 miles but to build up the stamina to keep a solid pace for a long time. Unless you’ve been training in the content marketing arena for a while, it is going to take time to build up this stamina. Start small by producing a couple of pieces of quality content. As you begin to master this process, add more pieces of quality content to your routine. You will begin to develop an efficient process and turn out a high number of top-notch content consistently in no time. Ready… set… GO.


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