Jumpstart Your Marketing in 2024 With This Checklist

January 5, 2024

This Week's Top Marketing News

Welcome back to everyone reading this from their desks on the first Friday of 2024. We hope you had a great holiday break and are ready to get this new year started.

For those who are off until Monday... we got jealous and put your stapler in jello. Don't look in your bottom right desk drawer.

The Neon Goldfish team is just back for a couple of days so we did not have time to scour the internet and find the best marketing news for the week but we did not come empty-handed.

Just in time for the New Year, we have an article from the Neon Goldfish blog that is fitting. Enjoy.

Simple Checklist to Jumpstart Your Marketing in the New Year

The beginning of a new calendar year for a business owner can be exciting and full of anxiety at the same time.

The holidays came and went faster than you expected and now you’re searching for guidance on how you can make this year the best one ever for your business.

You know that marketing plays a key role in the success of any business. The problem is that marketing feather in your hat sometimes gets pushed to the back because of more pressing matters that continue to pop up throughout your day.

Do not worry. We are here to give you a little marketing guidance and help.

In this article, we are going to give you a simple checklist you can use to jumpstart your marketing in the new year. Here's a snapshot of what we cover:

  • Conduct a Year-End Review
  • Set Marketing Goals for the New Year
  • Polish Up Your Online Appearance
  • Revisit Your Content Marketing Strategy
  • Configure Reporting to Track KPIs

Fish Food: Don't panic if a lot of this seems foreign and maybe just a little bit intimidating. The best thing you can do is just grab a cup of coffee and spend 15 minutes working on something. That's it... just 15 minutes today working on your marketing checklist. Tomorrow, grab another cup of coffee and spend another 15 minutes. Before you know it, you'll be humming through this list and on your way to a great 2024.

Fishbowl Friday

Our team spends the week reading everything on the internet related to marketing and highlights the best news you need to know about in our weekly email called Fishbowl Friday. Subscribe today and get all the best marketing news sent straight to your inbox in a fun, 5-minute read.

Read more from Fishbowl Friday
Image of a desktop with a coffee cup and notepad with the words checklist on it.

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