How Google's AI-Powered Overviews is Going to Impact Organic Results

May 17, 2024

This Week's Top Marketing News

Google Rolls Out AI-Powered Overviews To US Search Results

Google is in it’s Gemni Era.

Google's recent announcements at its I/O developer conference unveil significant upgrades to Google Search, integrating their generative AI, Gemini directly into the platform. These “enhancements” aim to change how users access information from search, offering adjustable overviews, multi-step reasoning for complex queries, planning capabilities for tasks like meal prep and vacations, AI-organized search result pages, and visual search querying.

What does it mean? Eh, it’s not going to tank your traffic, but you will probably see a decrease in clicks. Cool Google. Cool.

The article goes on to offer ideas on how to prepare and optimize your current website for the new Gemini era.

How to Optimize Your Site for SGE

  • Structure content explicitly as questions and direct answers
  • Create topic overview pages spanning initial research to final decisions
  • Pursue featured status on high-authority Q&A and information sites
  • Maximize technical SEO for improved crawling of on-page content
  • Track search volume for queries exhibiting AI overviews

Fish Food:
If you currently don’t have an SEO strategy in place, at minimum, get some technical SEO in place. Start by identifying keywords, and if you are local, make sure you have your Google Business Profile set. Businesses that already have a strategy should pay close attention as the updates roll out. Consider adding more Q&A-type content to your mix.

Push Notifications Explained: How They Work and Why They Matter
Push notifications are concise messages sent to users' devices, serving transactional or promotional purposes. Learn about the benefits, drawbacks, and differences between iOS and Android. It also covers best practices, emphasizing knowing your audience, personalization, timing, message quality, clarity, clear calls-to-action, visuals, and tracking for effective strategies.

11 Powerful Referral Strategies That Will Supercharge Your Sales, According to Experts
Referrals are a cornerstone of successful inbound sales. Learn some great ways to turn already happy customers into a referral source for your business. Explore how to optimize referral generation, including reframing requests, leveraging networks, setting daily goals, hosting exclusive events, and offering incentives.

7 Important SEO Considerations to Take When Building a New Website
Whether you are building a brand new website or about to launch a redesign, there are important SEO considerations. This infographic outlines 7 important considerations before the launch date. Things like narrowing your niche, prioritizing mobile responsiveness, optimizing loading speed, crafting a robust content plan, fine-tuning on-page SEO elements, integrating Google Analytics for insightful data, and creating a comprehensive sitemap. Each step ensures your website is primed for visibility and engagement.

7 B2B Content Distribution Strategies That Work

If you’ve got content, it’s time to figure out how best to get it out there in the world for your potential customers to see.

According to Content Marketing Institute, the most effective B2B content distribution channels, are:

  • Email (87%)
  • LinkedIn (81%)
  • X (80%)
  • Facebook (80%)
  • YouTube (62%)

The study also found that the top goals for B2B content marketing are brand awareness (86%), lead generation (85%), and engagement (81%).

But the key to success? Always keep your target audience at the heart of your strategy.

  1. Promote on social media
  2. Reach out to your email subscribers
  3. Collaborate with industry influencers
  4. Invest in paid advertising
  5. Publish guest posts on relevant websites
  6. Repurpose existing content
  7. Optimize your distribution strategy

Fish Food:
Success hinges on strategic placement - the right place right time, to capture the right audience's attention at the right moment. Testing here is key, and you have to let it marinate. Make sure you track the right methods for you by continually analyzing, optimizing, and adapting your distribution method.

Instagram Says Posting Longer Reels Can Hurt Your Performance
Even though you’re “allowed” to upload longer than 90 seconds, posting longer clips could impact your reach. At one time they suggested 3 and 10-minute Reels could help your reach, but the data shows, people don’t want to watch that long. So even though you’re allowed to do it, Meta is now saying “Don’t do it”.

How to Succeed with the YouTube Algorithm in 2024
Not only is YouTube the “it girl” when it comes to video, she’s also a top 3 search engine. Mastering YouTube SEO and understanding the recommendation algorithm are needed for success on the video platform. The article covers understanding YouTube algorithm basics, key factors that influence the algorithm in 2024, how to optimize your channel, how to adapt to updates and changes.

13 Skills You Must Develop To Become Amazing at Content Marketing

If you’ve been discouraged by the results of your content marketing efforts and feel like you wish you had more time to invest, there's a good reason for that. You can wear many hats in your company, but not all of them well…so if you want more out of your strategy, it might be time to recruit some help.

Uberflip shared their infographic on top skills needed for content marketers.

Here’s what makes their list:

  • A scientist’s analytical mind
  • A copywriter’s left hand
  • A developer’s right hand
  • A graphic designer’s eye
  • An artist’s creative intuition
  • An SEO expert’s nose
  • A coach’s leadership
  • A marathon runner’s legs
  • A philanthropist’s heart
  • Your customer’s shoes
  • An inventor’s inspiration
  • A community manager’s ears

Fish Food:
So basically, if this isn’t what you see when you look in the mirror - it’s ok. Not everyone wears all the hats. At Neon Goldfish we wear many hats *pats team on the back* annnnd we’re pretty good at content marketing. If you’re looking for help with content marketing or would like an audit of your current efforts, drop us a line. We’d love to help.

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