Fishbowl Black Friday - What does that even mean?

November 17, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving from the Neon Goldfish team!

We’re home overconsuming turkey, football, shopping, and cocktails this weekend but still found time to send you a short version of Fishbowl Friday.

Here are some of the best marketing articles we found this week. Enjoy!

This Week's Top Marketing News

YouTube Will Soon Require Creators to Disclose if AI was Used to Create Videos

YouTube has new rules forcing creators to label their videos if they use AI to create any content in their videos. This will help YouTube users distinguish between authentic content and content that could be misinformation or deepfake videos.

This is totally going to work because creators of misinformation and deepfakes are concerned about following rules and letting you know their cogent might not be real. If we only had this in place when Snoop recently announced he was giving up smoke… all this confusion will end soon. Thanks YouTube.

5 Tools that Generate Content Ideas Fast

Need help coming up with new topics for your content marketing? At some point, we all do.

Fill up your Q1 content calendar before your coffee gets cold with these 45 handy tools.

  1. AI Idea Generator by WriterAccess
  2. HubSpot Blogs Ideas Generator
  3. Semrush Title Generator
  4. ChatGPT
  5. Ahref AI Content Idea Generator

9 Content Marketing Metrics to Measure Your Strategy’s ROI

Content marketing is a long strategic play that yields the largest returns over time.

So, if it takes a long time to see returns, how can you be sure your content marketing strategy is on the right track?

Here are 9 metrics you can use to make sure your content marketing efforts are paying off:

  1. Conversions/Demo Signup
  2. Email Signups/Lead Magnet Downloads
  3. Keyword Rankings
  4. On-Page Engagement Rates
  5. Organic Traffic
  6. Backlinks and Shares
  7. Visitor Surveys
  8. Share of Voice
  9. Audience and Behavior Metrics

Google Docs Shortcuts and Hacks

Google Docs is the go-to text editor for over 1 billion users per month. Most like the tool because of its simplicity but that does not mean it lacks functionality. Here are some lesser-known features in Google Docs you can use the next time you’re cranking out some content.

  • Look up definitions
  • Switch to a pageless view
  • Create building blocks
  • Create a table of contents
  • Compare two documents
  • Explore beyond your document
  • Copy and paste formats
  • Keep the word count on the screen

Stanley Travel Mug Survives Car Fire and Company Replaces Vehicle

A car fire is a scary thing. Unless there’s a firetruck immediately on site, there’s little saving the car from being fully engulfed in flames.

TikTok user @danimarielettering shared a video of her car destroyed in a fire. One thing that survived the fire was her Stanley tumbler which still had ice in it.

Stanley’s president was quick to respond:

"We're all really glad you're safe. Thanks for sharing the video, because wow it really shows how our Stanleys are built for life. Because what it went through with you, I couldn't think of a better example of our product's quality."

He then offered to replace her car noting that Stanely has never done anything like this before and they will probably never do it again. Probably a good disclaimer to keep kids from starting another dumbass Stanley Inferno TikTok challenge where you hold a Stanley and parachute into an active volcano.

Vote Neon Goldfish as the Best Web Designer/Developer in Toledo

A big thank you to everyone who has reached out and congratulated us for being nominated. We appreciate your support and votes. Remember, you can vote for us one time every single day until December 15th. Not that we're asking you to do that but it would be super-sweet if you did.

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Fishbowl Friday

Our team spends the week reading everything on the internet related to marketing and highlights the best news you need to know about in our weekly email called Fishbowl Friday. Subscribe today and get all the best marketing news sent straight to your inbox in a fun, 5-minute read.

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